Tips and Precautions on MetaMoreFore usage

Below are some tips and precautions that should be kept in mind when using the MMF.  If you think of something I should add to these lists, one, please let me know (


  • First usage of the MetaMoreFore is best at home.  This will allow you to become familiar with installation and “bathroom breaks” in the privacy of your own home.
  • Following a “bathroom break” you may need to add a few extra “shakes” to remove remaining urine and/or roll up a very small tab of T.P. and put in the hole of the Plug (prevent/ensure no “leaks” into your under garments).
  • Applying a tad bit of water the glans prior to installing the Bottom End Ring helps to get an even LONGER skin tube up and OUT of the rings.  This helps you get even more skin tensioned in inner skin prior to installing the Tensioning Plug; note, MAKE SURE AREA WHERE PLUG WILL RESIDE IS COMPLETELY DRY!
  • Washing the area with soap – indeed, some might question the wisdom – helps to remove any oils and makes for a better “seal” between the skin and the Tensioning Plug


  • If the Tensioning Plug for the MetaMorefore seems ill-fitted for you (too big, too small), please let me know – do NOT chance hurting yourself.
  • When using the MetaMoreFore, be certain to check it periodically through the day to be sure there are no issues.
  • The MetaMoreFore should not be worn at night.
  • DO NOT BE OVERLY AGGRESSIVE!  Like any foreskin restoration method, slow and steady wins the race!  If you experience pain when using the MetaMoreFore, remove the device immediately.
  • When using the MetaMoreFore with a Strapping Ring, be mindful to keep the tension at an appropriate level given ANY possible range in motion.
  • If using the Glans Cap (for packing or for bi-directional use) it should be removed slowly as it may slightly stick to the glans.  If you were to remove it too quickly it may be uncomfortable.
  • When installing or removing ANY part of the MetaMoreFore, be mindful to use EXTREME caution so as to NOT injure yourself.  Any skin trapped between two rings could get pinched when you increase tension.