
This section will always be a “work in progress.”  The below are unsolicited comments from MetaMoreFore users.  These comments are posted with their permission and they will always be attributed to a restorer “by name” (though typically the “names” will be user names).  more to come…

1/2022 from “J”  

Mel, I love the length I’m getting in my foreskin after just a few days of working with your metamorefore.  Actually, “working with” isn’t exactly the right way to say it, I guess, because it’s no work using it at all.  I just have to remember to put it on!  It doesn’t hurt. And that’s different than so many of the other methods I’ve tried, even of my own making.
The metamorefore actually feels good to me!  Thank you for making it and making it available to me.

12/2021 from “Chip” (username in a forum)  @ ~CI7

Hi Mel,
“…just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with the MMF. It really gives a good stretch in front of the glans. 
I also love the look right after I take the device off. Your device is the real deal. Thanks again…”

11/2019 from “Alex508” (username in a forum)  @ CI7

Hi Mel,
“…I am beginning my eleventh month with the Metamorefore. It remains the most comfortable restoring device I have used. In fact, it has gotten more comfortable as I have gotten used to it.  I am now using all of the blue and green rings (3 each)…”

1/2019 from “Alex508” (username in a forum)  @ CI7

Hi Mel,
“…The Metamorefore is the most comfortable, discreet, and reliable restoration device I have used. As I mentioned, I did a complete gym work out and the device was comfortable, not noticeable, and did not budge. (I would not do this with any other device. I usually retain with O rings in the gym.)

more to come…

if you would like to offer one, please send me an e-mail (metamorefore@gmail.com)