Extreme Tensioning Ring


Included here is an Extreme Tensioning Ring (0.75 cm).  It fits under the Top End Ring (“male” white ring).  It is used in placed of 0.75 cm worth of Set Ring (Blue).

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Included here is an Extreme Tensioning Ring (0.75 cm).  It fits under the Top End Ring (“male” white ring).  It is used in placed of 0.75 cm worth of Set Ring (Blue).  It helps to get more skin (from the inside of the skin tube) up and OUT and rolled down the outside of the “cylinder of rings.”

It is difficult to properly explain why this helps; it has to do with the combined height & outer diameter of the white and black rings, helping to create more tension on the inside of the skin tube – more so than what is obtained with the Top White Ring alone.

The Top End Ring (white) is included here as a visual.



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